1. Purpose

This procedure applies to all learners of “David Lloyd Self-Employed Training Academy (DL SET Academy)” who wish to complain about the service. Please note: if your complaint relates to an assessment, please refer to the separate Assessment Appeals Procedure. If you make a complaint, which is found to relate to an assessment, we will inform you that this will be dealt with according to the published Assessment Appeals Procedure instead of this complaints procedure.

DL SET Academy strives to provide the highest quality learning opportunities and services. The following Complaints Procedure outlines the action, which may be taken on receipt of a complaint from a learner or member of public. This reflects DL SET Academy’s commitment to providing a fully comprehensive and learner-centred service.

DL SET Academy takes the view that complaints provide valuable feedback enabling us to improve our service. In this sense, complaints are welcome, and you should not feel concerned that there will be negative consequences. At the same time, if you are especially pleased with the service you have received, we also welcome this feedback.


2. Procedure

a. Informal (immediately/while on course)

You can communicate with your Master Trainer, Product Head or any other representative of the David Lloyd SET Academy who is under instruction from DL SET Academy to ensure that concerns or ideas are dealt with fairly and quickly. They will consider all relevant facts and use their discretion to resolve matters with due sensitivity. Notes will be taken in relation to this informal discussion and kept electronically against the learner’s records in case of further investigation.

If you do not feel comfortable discussing your complaint with your Master Trainer/Product Head OR you are dissatisfied with the outcome of this informal stage, you should proceed to a Formal complaint Stage 1.


b. Formal complaint: Stage 1 (within 30 days of the end of the course)

You can write to the Product Head for the relevant course at DL SET Academy, or email the Head of Fitness Products & Programming at DLProductTraining@davidlloyd.co.uk

The information needs to include:

a) Your name, address, and the course name.

b) A description of your concern or complaint.

c) What you think DL SET Academy should do to put things right.


After you have made your complaint you will receive written acknowledgement within five working days. Your complaint will be fully investigated. You will receive a written response within one calendar month about how the complaint has or will be resolved.

Each complaint is handled individually based on the information received and the nature and severity of the issue and will be allocated a proportionate level of resource to resolve. You may make an anonymous complaint; however, it may not be possible to investigate fully and we would be unable to respond personally.

If any part of your complaint is upheld we will respond to the complainant accordingly and give due consideration to how we can improve our service and arrangements. For example, by reviewing our procedures to assess the impact on our arrangements and assessment process (if relevant) or arranging for staff training. In extreme circumstances, internal disciplinary procedures may be exercised where the performance or behaviour of our staff is deemed inappropriate.

If the investigation into a complaint identifies a failure in our processes, DL SET Academy will give due consideration to the outcome and will, as appropriate, take actions such as:

• identify any other learner, who has been affected by that failure

• correct, or where it cannot be corrected, mitigate as far as possible the effect of the failure

• ensure that the failure does not recur in the future

• compensate the learner if we have compromised the terms and conditions that form part of the contract between us and the learner in question.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Formal complaint: Stage 1 you should proceed to Formal complaint: Stage 2.


c. Stage 2 (within 30 days of response to Stage 1)

You can email or write to the Head of Fitness Products & Programming at DLProductTraining@davidlloyd.co.uk or DL SET Academy, Club Support, The Hangar, Hatfield, AL10 1AX

The information needs to include:

a) A copy of the correspondence thus far.

b) Your reasons for complaining.

After you have made your complaint you will receive written acknowledgement within seven working days. Your complaint will be fully investigated. You will receive a written response within twenty-eight days.



DL SET Academy would be pleased to receive praise or suggestions for how things can be improved. These should be sent to the Relevant Product Head or Head of Fitness Products & Programming, via the details set out in the Formal complaint: Stage 1 of this procedure.